Dokomi 2020
To my great astonishment, due to the ongoing Corona pandemic the Dokomi convention was one of only a few conventions that were allowed to happen in 2020.
Besides strongly limiting the number of visitors there were also strict rules to follow. Specifically, it was mandotory to wear a mask at all times inside and outside. Staff made sure that guests were keeping proper distance when waiting in queus and in general. Additionally, disinfectants were placed at all entrances.
A big thanks to all staff and organizers as I can only imagine the amount of effort that went into planning a fun and safe convention during these times.
Yet, it was unfortunate but expected to see all japanese star guests cancel their appearances this year. Still, big praises to all German guests and performers that put on a show this year. There was also merchendise, food, workshops and lot more to discover.
The convention was certainly not as spectecular as in previous years, but they made the best out of the current situation and gave us a safe and welcome distraction.