Anime Series of the Genre: “Cosplay”

AnimagiC 2016 Cosplay

Friday, 12 August, 2016

With 4 anime cinema rooms, an outdoor stage and a big theater stage, this year the AnimagiC convention again was able to provide a proper stage for numerous anime screening and the live performance of many show groups and j-pop/j-rock bands. While we were most amazed by the live performance of GARNiDELiA, Kanako Ito and ZWEI also put up a decent performance. Screening highlights were a dubbed version of the successful new movie “The boy and the Beast”, but also an amazing 15 minutes long preview for the Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive movie.

While the convention itself was a big highlight again, there was a sad announcement at the end of it: Next year’s hosting location will switch from the move from the highest populated union state in Germany to a smaller more distant union state (Baden-Württemberg). While the new location certainly seems large and beautiful, we fear that many fans will now no longer be able to afford the long and expensive travel. We hope that many fans in the area will take this opportunity and visit next year’s AnimagiC convention.

With that out of the way, here are some of the beautiful cosplayers we’ve met:


fate stay night saber cosplay



Dokomi 2016 Cosplay

Sunday, 8 May, 2016

Last week we were able to visit this year’s Dokomi anime convention in Duesseldorf Germany. More than 400 Shops and exhibitors were present and more than 31.000 fans visited the convention over two days. On the big stage visitors could watch theatric performances, two different cosplay contests and a live performance by J-Pop sensation Shiena Nishizawa, who is known to us for the ED theme of Kentai Collection and the OP theme of Gakusen Toshi Asterisk. We welcome the announced plans to possibly add a third day to next year’s convention.

And as always, here are some pictures:




Gamescom 2015 Cosplay

Monday, 4 January, 2016

Hello mates,

here are still some pictures I wanted to share of last years Gamescom. As you can see it is still one of the biggest gaming conventions worldwide. Enjoy:




AnimagiC 2015 – Bonn/Germany

Wednesday, 12 August, 2015

Last week we visited the AnimagiC anime convention in Bonn (Germany) together with a friend and owner of this German blog. For me AnimagiC is always a highlight because of its rich program and famous guests. This year 8 different groups were performing plays of their own invention; in 4 cinemas visitors could watch the newest anime releases and premieres; and there was live music by Japanese artists Aimer, AiRI, ZWEI and Mashiro Ayano. Especially Aimer has made a very convincing live performance and is known for her music in Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, Zankyou no Terror, Bleach and many other animes.
And as always, here are some of the cosplayers we met there.





animagic2015-sc2-kerrigan animagic2015-tokyo-ghoul

Japan Day 2015 – Düsseldorf/Germany

Monday, 6 July, 2015

This year as well we found the time to visit the Japan Day street festival in Düsseldorf/Germany. It is an open street festival celebrating Japanese culture, including pop-culture, music and material arts. It is a great opportunity for fans of Anime, Manga and Japanese culture in general to meet up and have fun. More than 600,000 visitors took this opportunity this year. Here are some pictures:


