Ikkitousen: Dragon Destiny – Anime Review
Review: Dragon Destiny is the continuation of the first Ikkitousen anime. This time we get to see the further story focusing on different fighters attending different schools. Be prepared for the next round of this ecchi action fighting spectacle presented in a better animation quality and a more mysterious atmosphere. Some people criticize this show for featuring even more fan-service and ecchi content than the first season, while not offering any deeper story at all. Personally I don’t see the apeal in this show as well, but as it gets more and more sequals, there got to be fans who watch this.
Rating: 6/10
Saturday, 7 May, 2011 at 21:14
I like this anime i think it is funny can’t whit when the eng dub version come out
Monday, 9 January, 2012 at 21:47
u just wanna see tits
Thursday, 12 January, 2012 at 22:23
true lol